Film Blogs and Movie Reviews for Science and Technology Films

Look over these well-crafted film reviews that offer insightful analysis (blog post) and honest opinions.More FilmsDay ShiftOctober will be awesomeConan the BarbarianSssssssRush HourThe MatrixKilljoy 2Hellraiser (2022) reaction - Decker ShadoSpace horror films like The Leprechaun

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300 Movie Review

300 is a story of a time when 300 Spartans defeated ONE MILLION PERSIANS! Also, it's not exactly historically accurate, as some say it was probably more like a (blog post) couple thousand versus a few tens of thousands, (blog post) but why let truth get in the way of a good story?Source: 300 Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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Caveman Movie Review - Ringo Starr 1981 Comedy

Dinocember 2022 begins proper with a look at the 1981 (blog post) comedy classic, Caveman, starring Ringo Starr. A request that I couldn't ...Source: Caveman Movie Review - Ringo Starr 1981 Comedy (blog post) - Decker Shado More Videos horror movie

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Science Fiction Film Takedowns

27 Days Later (2002) - Post-apocalyptic Horror Movie about one virus that changes people into violent zombies is thrilling and visceral experience. The direction provided by Danny Boyle is (blog post) masterful, and the actors in the group, and especially Cillian Murphy, are superb.

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Cinema Critique

The Matrix (1999) - The film's sci-fi action genre revolutionized the rules for this genre. The idea of a simulation of actual world, as well as fighting machines is exciting and the (blog post) spectacular special effects are revolutionary. Keanu Reeves delivers a memorable performance as Neo.

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